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Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage - a 30 minute massage relieving tension from the back area using aromatherapy oils and a pressure to suit your needs.


Full Body Massage - a 1 hour treatment including back, legs,feet, arms, hangs, chest/decolletage, scalp and face.


Lava Shell Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage - a 30 minute massage using warm porcelain shells to massage the muscles, allowing the heat to work deeply into the muscles, easing pain and tension.


Indian Head Massage - a 40 minute treatment focusing on the shoulders, scalp and face to relieve stress, tension, headaches, sinus problems and aid sleep.


Body Scrub - a full body exfoliation to remove rough dead skin cells, leaving skin glowing. 


Hopi Ear Candling - Using ancient native american techniques, a hollow tube is placed in the ear creating a vacuum & massaging the ear drum, followed by a facial massage. This can help with sinus problems, excessive ear wax, ear pressure (after flying) and encourages deep relaxation.

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